Math And Money
Think about some of the things you used or did today. Chances are most of those things were bought from a store, and to do that, we need money.
More than simply just having money, it is also very important to know exactly how to use money.
Money comes in a few different forms: notes (paper money) and coins. Each of them are a different value,
so we often have to combine several different notes and coins to make up the correct amount.
Want to learn more about how we apply math to money? Check out the cool links below for games, activities, and plenty more!
Click on each U.S. coin to read some interesting facts about it.
Plinky Pig needs your help to dive for coins and save enough to buy a new set of sails.
For each problem, count the coins to see if you have enough to buy different things.
Count out the correct amount of coins before your time runs out! Are you fast enough?
A detailed lesson plan outlines how to teach children to identify coins and work out their values through a variety of fun activities.
Go shopping with Kristen, Ryan, and Evan and figure out how much money each of them has left after purchasing some toys and books.
Teachers can organize students into small groups to play some of these class games to demonstrate counting and sorting coins.
Play the Penny Flip Game in Class
This class activity helps children to realize the number of pennies that equal a dime.
Exploring Different Coin Values
Follow a review game, slideshow and worksheet for many different coin combinations, and then try out the extra practice games at the end.
Generate a worksheet for students to demonstrate how to count coins by skipping series of each type.
For each level in this game, add up the values of each coin and then enter the amount to check if your answer is right.
In this fun class game, children roll a die and buy little cakes if they have the right amount of money.
Buy toys and treats from the little farmer, but beware! He only accepts exactly the correct amount of change.
Visiting the Snack Shack (PDF)
The Snack Shack has a mouthwatering menu, but do you have enough money to buy some of the items on it?
With a pocket full of coins, there's plenty to be bought at the One Dollar Store for those who can count the right change!
As a cashier at the store, kids will have the roles reversed as they make change for other shoppers.
View a presentation all about the penny and learn how to count it like a pro.
Review your knowledge of coins and their values in a quick slideshow.
Feeling more advanced? Try combining the values of coins and paper money!
Look at the amount of a purchase and the amount that was paid, and then calculate how much change to give back to the customer.
Calculate the correct change for one dollar purchases.
Max is hungry for an ice cream, but first he has to count out his change to pay for it.
Learn how to add or subtract different coins to make up the same value every time.
Download a presentation, as well as some fun games and worksheets all about money.
The Counting Coins Lesson Plan
In this lesson plan, children learn how to count coins through coin rubbings, singing, and other group activities.
Mixed Currency Lesson Plan (PDF)
As a step up from counting coins, this lesson plan introduces comparing and calculating values with notes and coins.
Learn how to skip count using nickels.
In this fun game, students have to figure out exactly how much money should go into a virtual piggy bank.